PSA for y’all

Eugene Castillo
2 min readDec 11, 2020

In everyday life, we all see thing about “hustling” and “making money moves”, whether it be on social media or real life. Everything is about money, and that’s an unfortunate truth but as a species we have made it so we all work to make loads of money for personal gain. What happened to helping others? The money you make it your own, sure, but why would anyone use it for selfish means only? I am a firm believer that the only thing you take with you after this life is the memories and impressions you left on people. You can’t take money or possessions into the afterlife so why worry about things out of your control?

I get it, trust me I get it. Bills, all this new technology, emergencies, unexpected changes, I understand life happens. That all requires money, so much so that it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important. I am 25 now, I’ve been working since I was 12. My whole life I’ve been raised to be an ideal worker. Have a good work ethic, work hard, get a raise, work more, raise a family, life a “successful” life. That’s just how the world and school and life conditions you. Why is that? They never tell you that sometimes it’s better to take time off and travel, take a day off to go spend time at events with friends. Sometimes you have to stop to smell the roses so to speak.

Back to the original point, I’ve always worked hard. I work hard to try and be essential to any job I do so I can have a steady source of income. I use that income for basic needs first, and then I spend all excess on friends, family, pets and charity. If we all adopted a need not/want not attitude. I believe the world will be better off. A life in solitude only worrying about yourself isn’t using the human race to its full potential. Don’t get me wrong, make sure you take care of yourself but I firmly believe to help others, karma comes back to get you whether it’s good or bad. So if you see someone struggling with their bags, go ask if they want help. It takes only a few minutes and doesn’t hurt you in any way, why not put yourself out there? This has been my PSA.

